Sunday, April 17, 2011

Post race party and movie screening

I had an awesome experience at Ragnar and I appreciate all of the work that went into our team - I can't believe the level of organization involved - and all the encouragement. It was so much fun I don't really want it to end. So I propose that we have a team party at the Wright's house to compare stories, review results, analyze strategies, and make awesome plans for next year's Ragnar (we've been talking about renting an RV. the benefits are endless, including showers whenever we want, sleeping along the way and not being called out of bed an hour early ;P). Also I can't wait to watch the vid, John, and thanks again for being the official editor! We need to plan it when James and Anne Marie can come too. Who's in?


  1. Just name a weekend and we will come down. We always look for excuses to come see our friends in Moorpark.

  2. Horray! Last year's party at the Sloan's was really fun. I don't want it to be over either!

  3. I'm in. Give me some time to make the video; a couple weeks tops. If we want to do the party sooner, that's cool. The video will just have to come later.

  4. No hurry John, we will wait. Just let me know. Did you get all my emails with pics/vid?
