Friday, January 14, 2011

Ragnar Clinic Family Home Evening (or post FHE)

Monday, January 17, 2010 from 7 pm - 8 pm
Road Runner Sports
1714 Newbury Road
Newbury Park, CA 91320
Attendees will receive a 10% discount on merchandise sold the night of the event. Refreshments provided.

Please RSVP to to let us know if you can make it or feel free to just show up.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So Cal Ragnar - 348 teams so far

I remember early on Tom mentioned, "Did you know there are only nine teams signed up for Ragnar.  Is this really a big deal?"  Ok, maybe not an exact quote, but you get the gist.
Tommy Boy, there are 348 teams signed up so far and it is only January 12th--three months until race day. It will continue to climb.  Since most teams will have 12 members, that is over 4,100 people.  So fun.
Here are some links to continue your excitement.
(Rebecca, Calm down.  Breath.  It's ok, we will race soon.)
Fox5 SanDiego Video
2010 So Cal Ragnar
ESPN Article about the Biggest Loser teams in 2011 So Cal Ragnar
2009 So Cal Ragnar-The Inflatables
USA Today (October 2010) Article and video - DC Ragnar

PS  Did anyone go see the Hood to Coast movie?  I didn't it wasn't playing around here and I was traveling anyway.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Relay Documentary tonight

This movie is in theaters only tonight, and it looks like Ventura or Burbank are the nearest theater locations to Moorpark, but thought I'd pass this along anyway.

At least watch the trailer. It makes relay racing look so fun! Which it is, of course. :) I can't wait!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Conference Call Reminder

Just reminder that we will have a conference call tonight at 9pm.
The conference call number is 866-816-5376, participant ID is 7400991#.

I have modified Tom's spreadsheet to include our average pace, approximate start times for each leg, approximate running time for each leg and approximate end time for each leg.  This information is useful especially as it relates to the major exchanges.  I created a permanent link to the spreadsheet on the left side of the blog.

Here is a listing of some preliminary topics we may cover tonight.
  1. General race logistics
  2. Blog items
  3. Leg discussion
  4. Major exchanges
  5. Training (week 6)
  6. Van 1 logistics
  7. Night running gear
    1. reflective vests
    2. headlamps
    3. blinking lights on the back
  8. T-shirts
  9. Great Race
We'll talk later tonight.  In the meantime, Go Buckeyes!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Conference Call

I'd like to chat as a team for a few minutes just to talk some basic logistics and hear any whining from the masses.  :-)  I'll propose two dates, let me know what works best for your schedule.  I will supply a conference call number for everyone once I have the date and time solidified.
Thanks for being flexible with the one who has moved away.

#1- Wednesday, January 5th 9pm (I'm trying to avoid kiddie bedtime and there isn't a bowl game this night)
#2- Sunday, January 9th 4pm (after nap time and before dinner)

I will just post the official meeting time on Monday evening, whether I have heard from everyone or not.

New Leg Assignments

Here are the proposed new leg assignments.  Van 1 and Van 2 are now swapped.  I fully expect some of the legs will change before race day, so we may need to make more changes later.
Van 1 (Driver-Chad)
#1-17.2 miles Nikki
#2-21.2 miles John
#3-13.4 miles Trevor
#4-13.8 miles Michael
#5-14.8 miles Tom
#6-13.1 miles Laura

Van 2 (Driver-Mike)
#7-20.4 miles James
#8-19.1 miles Dave
#9-17.8 miles Amy
#10-15.3 miles Danielle
#11-18.6 miles Wade
#12-17.5 miles Rebecca

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Free iPhone app

For the month of January, the RunKeeper Pro app is free. The app is usually $9.99. I've never used RunKeeper, but it's worth trying out if it's free.