Friday, March 29, 2013

Saturday Morning Run 3/30

Moorpark Wash at 7 AM. Meet in front of the Nails Plus (SW corner of LA Ave and Spring).

Sunday, March 24, 2013

SoCal Ragnar Meeting Summary

We had Van 1 mostly represented, but not many from Van 2.
Attendees: Dave & Rebecca Greding, James, Christine and Danielle Sloan, Amy Adams and Nikki Fenkse.
Items Covered:
  1. We reviewed leg assignments and made a few minor changes.  Distances on several Van 2 legs changed the overall composition of those legs; therefore, I moved runners around to accommodate runners based on prior assignments. See the spreadsheet for more details.
  2. We updated the paces of those the were on the call.
  3. VAN 1: We decided to use the Dole Suburban instead of a 15 passenger van.
  4. VAN 2: Nikki will ask Chris if Van 2 can use his Suburban.  Nikki will let James know the final decision so the 15 passenger van reservations can be adjusted accordingly.
  5. VAN 1: Will stay at James' cousin's house after Exchange 6.
  6. VAN 1: Will go straight to Exchange 24 after eating at Exchange 18 since they will only have 3.5 hours.
  7. VAN 1: Will try to go to Amy's brother's house after leg 3 to shower, rest, etc.
  8. VAN 2: Nikki will try to contact Jill Baker's sister to see if VAN 2 can use her house after Leg 2.
  9. Each VAN will be responsible for getting their own 6 reflective vests, 2 headlamps, and 2 rear blinking lights. VAN 1 is set.  VAN 2 to inventory what they have and will let VAN 1 know if they need anything.
  10. Everyone owes James $135 payable no later than on race day.
  11. James to follow up with race director to see if pasta meals will be available at Exchange 18

Friday, March 22, 2013

SoCal Ragnar Meeting this Sunday

There were some issues with the Tuesday meeting.  Let's try to meet this Sunday, March 24th at 7pm.  Please pass it on to others. It will be a conference call and webex.  I suggest you take this from home.  Listen via your home or cell phone and have the webex going.

The information is as follows.
866-816-5376 participant code is 7400991#.
WebEx information.
To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: ragnar
4. Click "Join". 


Friday, March 15, 2013

Saturday Morning Run 3/16 at 7AM

Meet at Mammoth Park. We'll do the crazy hilly trail run loop.

Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyRun

So Cal Team Meeting Tues Mar 26th 7pm

Welcome all SoCal Ragnar Team members.  I am putting together a team meeting for Tuesday, March 26th at 7pm.  It will be a conference call and webex.  I suggest you take this from home.  Listen via your home or cell phone and have the webex going.

The information is as follows.
866-816-5376 participant code is 7400991#.
WebEx information.
To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: ragnar
4. Click "Join". 


Friday, March 8, 2013

saturday run, 3/9, 7:00 a.m.

for the run tomorrow let's meet at the corner of l.a. and spring and do the tierra rejada loop.  it comes out to about 5.6 miles, i think.

Friday, March 1, 2013

saturday morning run, 3/2, 7:00 a.m.

for tomorrow's run let's meet at the rite-aid parking lot and do the figure eight route.  starting time is 7:00 a.m.  hope to see everyone there.