Sunday, January 2, 2011

Conference Call

I'd like to chat as a team for a few minutes just to talk some basic logistics and hear any whining from the masses.  :-)  I'll propose two dates, let me know what works best for your schedule.  I will supply a conference call number for everyone once I have the date and time solidified.
Thanks for being flexible with the one who has moved away.

#1- Wednesday, January 5th 9pm (I'm trying to avoid kiddie bedtime and there isn't a bowl game this night)
#2- Sunday, January 9th 4pm (after nap time and before dinner)

I will just post the official meeting time on Monday evening, whether I have heard from everyone or not.


  1. Either time works for Rebecca and I. Wednesday sounds better, because all the kids will be in bed

  2. Sunday is better for me. Chances are I will have to miss it if it's on Wed.

  3. It seems like Wednesday, January 5th, 9pm is the most favored time. Tom, I hope you can reschedule something so you can attend. Here is the dial in information.
    When asked, enter your participate code: 7400991 followed by the # key.
    One item to talk about is the exchanges and finding out if any of us know people near the major exchanges where we can shower, potentially do a load of laundry, and crash for a few hours. I've posted all the major exchanges on the left side of the blog for reference, but here they are as well:
    Major Exchanges
    Start (Van 1) Huntington Beach
    Ex 6 (Van 2 takes over) Anaheim - Yorba Regional Park
    Ex 12 (Van 1 takes over) Lake Elsinore Campground
    Ex 18 (Van 2 takes over) LDS Church at Fallbrook (621 S. Stagecoach Lane)
    Ex 24 (Van 1 takes over) Oceanside Pier
    Ex 30 - (Van 2 takes over) Torrey Pines State Park reserve (Glider Port) San Diego
    Finish - Coronado Island Silver Strand State Beach Park

  4. I'll try to call in if I can. In any case, I have a cousin in Temecula. I just got off the phone with her, and she sounded agreeable to the idea. Unfortunately, her place is right between exchanges 12 and 18, which means it's perfect for van2, but not so convenient for van1.
