Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dole sponsorship

Looks like I might be able to pull off a Dole sponsorship after all. Wahoo.
I'll ask for 14 shirts, one for everyone, plus one for each driver.
I assume small tank for Rebecca and AMS.
Medium regular style shirt for Amy.
Large regular style shirt for Wade, Dave and Chad.
XL regular style for Jason. Dave double check with Jason for me.


  1. So great, James. Good work. I'd like a small regular style shirt. I already have a tank.

  2. I'd like a medium regular shirt. And if you want to plaster it with Dole pineapples, I'm ok with that. I like pineapples... ;o)

  3. go james go james go james. I'll even applique a large dole celery on mine if I have to.
