Monday, February 27, 2012

Conference Call Postponed

I need to postpone conference call.  I have a last minute meeting in Westlake Wednesday and Thursday.  I'll be in the air flying during the time our Tuesday call was scheduled.  Which would be best?  Wednesday or Thursday of this week?  If we do it Wednesday, I may be able to be somewhere in person. Either way, I just can't do it tomorrow.


  1. So I saw an invitation for Thursday. So is Wednesday off the table? We are good for either one, and anyone who wants to can come over to our place.

  2. Let us just stick with Thursday. My meetings may go late Wednesday. Thanks.

  3. Tiffany tested the link in the calendar invite. It didn't work for some reason. I replaced the notes in the calendar invite and resent it. If you still have issues, the link in the blog will definitely work.
