Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Napa Ragnar Course Change

Those of us that are Ragnar veterans, we know there are always course changes.  New course maps were issued this week (see link on the left side).  I have updated the spreadsheet (see link on left side) and updated the assignments.  Some of you will be either happy or unhappy with the result.  The follow are the new assignments (I've also updated the side bar) and for reference what the old assignments were.

1 Barbara 12.9 (4M, 5.7H, 3.2E)
2 Cary 15.7 (2.7E, 4.7M, 8.3VH)
3 Carlos 15.9 (5.9H, 6.7H, 3.3E)
4 Alfonzo 16.4 (5.2H, 7.9H, 3.3E)
5 James 16.2 (3.1E, 9.2VH, 3.9M)
6 Christine 12.6 (3.9M, 4.8M, 3.9M)
7 Merideth 10.5 (4M, 3.4M, 3.1E)
8 Rebecca 11.5 (5.1M, 4.4M, 2E)
9 John 16.8 (4.4M, 4.3M, 8.1VH)
10 Dave 22.7 (6.6H, 8.3VH, 7.8H)
11 Wade 23.7 (9.7VH, 9.1VH, 4.9M)
12 Kenny 12.4 (2.8E, 4.1M, 5.5H)

#1-Carlos 14.1 (4.0,5.8,4.3-M,H,M)
#2-James 16.9 (2.7,5.0,9.2-E,M,VH)
#3-Christine 11.6 (3.3,5.1,3.2-E,M,E)
#4-Alfonso 16.5 (7.3,5.6,3.6-H,H,M)
#5-Cary 14.0 (5.4,3.3,5.3-M,E,M)
#6-Barbara 13.0 (3.8,5.4,3.8-M,M,M)
#7-Rebecca 16.2 (3.5,8.9,3.8-E,VH,M)
#8-Merideth 11.9 (5.5,3.5,2.9-H,E,E)
#9-John 16.4 (4.3,4.2,7.9-M,M,VH)
#10-Dave 20.8 (7.8,6.2,6.8-H,H,H)
#11-Wade 21.7 (8.5,8.3,4.9-VH,VH,M)
#12-Kenny 16.9 (2.7,9.0,5.2-E,VH,M)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm not holding my breath that this is the final course, but I'm loving my 2 mile last leg!
