Wednesday, July 6, 2011

ragnar: florida keys!!

so i recently got an e-mail (you probably got it too) from ragnar about the race happening in the florida keys. i clicked on the link and went to the course map. big mistake on my part because i am now thinking of irrationale and foolhardy ways of saving up the money to run in this race. anybody in? don't throw out the idea until you've seen the course map: anyways, most likely i'll never run this race, but it kind of makes our 'so cal' course seem boring. you can't really compare temecula with the beautiful gulf of mexico/florida keys.


  1. Holy moly. I didn't believe that you could convince me to go to Florida just by looking at the map. But I was wrong. Makes me more annoyed about how often we're not running along the beach in the SoCal Ragnar.

  2. I just clicked through the leg maps quickly: never goes over 25 feet in elevation!! No hills, baby! And according to, the average daily high in Key West during Jan is 75: not too hot. Sounds like a dream run...

    A quick search on says that round-trip tickets LAX-Miami are about $400 each...

  3. Can I make a suggestion... It sounds like we all want to go to Florida. I know a way we can all fly to Florida, enter the event, and get a free van rental! Can anyone say... DOLE!!! The next challenge for you James

  4. I want in! That would be the coolest run.

  5. I'm sold. How can we make this happen?
